
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The tick season has begun

As beautiful as the nature overall is in this area around the "Oschenberg" - it is one of the most horrible places in Germany with the most ticks (Zecken).
Rocki already had 5 of them in the past 2 weeks and last night I found the first one on my body. Bloody bastards!!!

Every animal in this world has a reason to be here. Spiders eat bugs, birds and frogs eat bugs - what the hell are ticks made for? Anybody???

Sunday, April 1, 2012

We finally build the fence

Yesterday finally was the day where we built the fence around my yard. My big dream is comming true and of course Rocki's as well!

Here you see some pictures of the hard work we did, at least I can hardly move any more today :-)

My friend Uwe tearing out the very old pols, there used to be a fence already centuries ago. Isn't his face showing how hard he is pulling :-)
Here you see my friend Helmut and Uwe on the side fence.

Since my yard is on a mountain, the fence needs to get adapted to the hills in the ground. Helmut  is welding the fence parts here.
... not just welding, but also cutting.
Love this view :-)
Germany - sunshine - yardwork - of course beer is not missing!

... and a cigarette for my friend Jürgen.
It took us 2 weekends to cut out the jungle before we were able to even start the fence. Here you see a (zoomed) view taken from my terrace down to the end of my yard where you see the fence.

There is still lots and lots of work involved to get rid of all this old wood from the centuried that we already cut. Burning, yes, but it would be too much to burn it all. Chaffing also yes, but most the wood parts are too big for small shredders, bigger ones are hard to get down into my yard...
So lots and lots of work still ahead of us.

Yes, lots of work, but Rocki can help now - running freeeee!!!
Rocki exploring his new yard the 1st time!